Financial Projections Slide

We show you how to build a stunning problem side for your business pitch deck.


Why you should have a financials slide in your pitch deck

The financial slide is an absolute deep dive into the machine room of your company. But don't worry - if you did your homework and developed an excellent financial plan, it will be easy to create a great-looking slide.
The financial slide includes a balance sheet, the income, cash flow statements, and projections.

What does that mean? You get the planned revenue and expenses for the following years from your financial plan and show them off. Unless otherwise requested, three years looking forward will be enough. This information will help potential investors to understand how strong the growth of the company will be and how long your runway is (burn-rate).

If you are going to break even in the years to come, it is a great thing to add.

If you are beginning your journey as an entrepreneur, you can leave your financial slide out of the deck and use the traction slide instead.

A final word on financial plans; Don't be nervous or uncertain if you don't hit your plan accurately. There is almost no startup that ever hit them on point. Just make sure you are not miles away.

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How you can build a killer financials slide

Content of the problem slide pitch deck

  • Revenue
  • Profit
  • Expenses
  • Additional Information from your financial model (e.g. Burn Rate, Cash Flow)
Content of the pitch deck slide
Questions to answer with your pitch deck

Questions your slide answers

  • How much revenue will you have?
  • When will you break even?
  • Is the revenue projection reasonable?
  • Are the costs appropriate?
  • What is your monthly burn rate?

Common Slide Mistakes

  • Inconsistent information (the information for the financials slide should be right from your financial model!)
  • Being too optimistic or pessimistic (you have to find a realistic level)
Common Mistakes in Pitch Deck Slides
How to design a nice pitch deck slide

Slide design

  • Use a clear and quickly readable font style
  • Make sure to use high-resolution pictures
  • Keep the design simple

Example financials slide of Linkedin & Front

The best examples of financials slides give the investors a feeling of how much revenue you are going to generate over the next three to five years. Additionally, the expenses the startup is facing in those years are included as well.

This is the foundation of why you want to raise the amount of money you are rooting for. At the same time, it gives investors a glimpse of how much ROI they can expect by investing in your company.

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