Business Model Slide

We show you how to build a stunning problem side for your business pitch deck.


Why you should have a business model slide in your pitch deck.

Creating a business model slide in a pitch deck can be a difficult task if you have never created one before.
Because of this, we will explain to you with this article what content you have to include in your business model slide and how business model slides of successful startups look like.

Keep in mind that the primary function of your business model slide is to explain to investors how your company functions and how your business strategy is. After seeing and reading this slide, they should know how you are planning to create revenue for the company.

First, you should seriously consider creating a business model canvas. Just Google "business model canvas" and you will find a lot of useful results where you can download a BMC-template. Please fill it out; it will help you by the creation of your business model slide since you will have to think about the purpose of your business deeply.

Next, write down all the revenue streams you are planning to have (or already have). Break it down to all of your products and present how each of them will be priced. You can also add the different features of the products and how they determine.

The last step is to put all the information in your business model slide. Please have a look at the example business model slide below; they show you how you can design your slide.

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How you can build a killer business model slide

Content of the problem slide pitch deck

  • A catchy phrase that summarizes your BM
  • An overview of your main revenue streams
  • A short summary of your price model
Content of the pitch deck slide
Questions to answer with your pitch deck

Questions your slide answers

  • How will you generate revenue?
  • What is the total amount of revenue?
  • What products will generate revenue?

Common Slide Mistakes

  • Adding too much information
  • No use of graphics

Common Mistakes in Pitch Deck Slides
How to design a nice pitch deck slide

Slide design

  • Use a clear and quickly readable font style
  • Make sure to use high-resolution graphics
  • Keep the design simple

Example business model slides of AirBnB & Buffer

The best examples of unicorn business model slides in pitch decks of famous startups precisely show how each company is planning to generate its revenue after their investment. Additionally, almost every business model slide shows how revolutionary the startup is. Make sure to highlight either visually or verbally how your USPs will let you have your business go skyrocketing.

Our best tip: your potential investors will most probably have some questions for you after you presented this slide. Be ready to know your numbers well and make sure only to include statistics or facts, that you did not made-up!

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