55,000+ Investor Contacts

Investor List for Startups

Save time & money and use our database of startup investors to find the right ones for your idea.

Startup Investor Database
Startup Investor List

55,000+ VC Investors

We aggregated data from different sources and came up with a well structured and enriched list of thousands of VC investors worldwide.

Financial Statements

Connect with the right Investors

After you have identified the right funds for your startup, you can use the LinkedIn profile of the fund to find the right persons to talk to.

Startup Investors

Filter by Location, Stage & Thesis

Your chance of getting funding if you don't match an investor's thesis is almost zero. Our database makes it easy to filter all investors so that you find the right ones for your startup.


Find your dream investors today!

Trusted and used by 6,500+ founders like
Founder of TypeStudio
Founder InstantCommerce
Founder Tokenstreet
Founder Vauban
BaseTemplates Pro incl. Investor List
/ mo*
/ mo*

VC Investors

Venture Debt

Angel Investors / Groups

Accelerators / Incubators

Investment Banks


Corporate VCs

Family Investment Offices

Government Office

Accelerators / Incubators

Private Equity

* Billed quarterly. cancel anytime.
BaseTemplates Pro incl. Investor List
/ mo
/ mo

VC Investors

Venture Debt

Angel Investors / Groups

Accelerators / Incubators

Investment Banks


Corporate VCs

Family Investment Offices

Government Office

Accelerators / Incubators

Private Equity


Let's answer some questions

Do you have questions about our Investor Database? We've got all the answers you need.

Why should I buy the Investor Database?

It's simple. Talking to the right investors is essential for every fundraise. And every good one starts with a preparation phase in which you identify the investors you want to talk to. With our database you save yourself dozens of hours as we already did the hard work of preparing and cleaning the data on the investors.

Why should I use the curated Investor Selection?

If you want to further outsource the process of identifying the right investors for your business we are here to help. We have done it before hundreds of times and will come up with 100 investors that suit your company.

What is included in the download?

After you purchased the database you will get instant access and can start filter right away.

But how do I actually work with the list?

The list comes with a video tutorial on how to use it to find the right investors for your startup. So no worries - we walk you through everything step by step.

I have another question?

Do you have another question or are not sure whether the database is right for yourself? Just leave us a mail at [email protected] and we will help out!

by BaseTemplates