Hey <phv><Leo><phv>,
I read post <phv><XYZ><phv> on your blog, and happened to notice that you invest in startups that are building interesting datasets. My company <phv><AutoAudit, is developing a tool that automates auditing of employee expense reports.><phv>
We've partnered with <phv><SomeAccountingStartup and are getting a ton of valuable expense report data, and our algorithm has already saved an estimated $750k for our 3 pilot customers! Because we get feedback on whether or not the expenses we flagged turned out to be fraudulent, our prediction models are becoming more and more accurate every day. One of our pilot customers is so excited that we're finalizing a $100k/year contract with them.><phv> I'd love to get your feedback on the product and see if there might be a good fit between <phv><AutoAudit and Susa Ventures><phv>. My one-pager is attached.
<phv><Francine Founder><phv>